Saturday, March 22, 2008

House Party with Anne Lewis 3/31

Friends and Hillary Supporters:

Paulette Yost, resident of Westtown Township and Hillary supporter, is hosting a house party on 3/31 from 7-9 PM

with Anne Lewis < >

and Judy Lichtman < >
as the special guests.

Paulette would like to encourage undecided voters to come hear about Hillary Clinton from the people who know her best.

If you know friends and neighbors who are still undecided, please let them know about this opportunity to hear about Hillary and ask questions. This is not a fundraiser, it is a chance to learn more about Hillary Clinton.

Please recommend this event to your friends and ask them to RSVP to Paulette at (610) 399-0596 or at

Thanks so much
Lani Frank

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