Monday, March 31, 2008

Canvass for Hillary Clinton

Hello all:

for any and all who are available, we will be canvassing West Whiteland on Sunday, April 6 in conjunction with the Clinton campaign. Please meet at the Clinton campaign headquarters at 1pm located at 138 E. Gay St., West Chester. We will find out exactly what area to cover and get lit. then too. Please pass this message along to anyone you think might be interested. Hope to see you Sunday.
Jo Ann

Friday, March 28, 2008

Bob Roggio on the Environment

The Bush administration has ignored the imminent threat posed by Global Warming. I believe that America should lead the global fight against this environmental peril. We need aggressive domestic policy to reverse the devastating trends, and must cooperate and lead on the international stage. Clean air, water, and the preservation of our natural environment must become a priority. We all share the responsibility of protecting our environment for the future generations.

Roggio Website

Saturday, March 22, 2008

House Party with Anne Lewis 3/31

Friends and Hillary Supporters:

Paulette Yost, resident of Westtown Township and Hillary supporter, is hosting a house party on 3/31 from 7-9 PM

with Anne Lewis < >

and Judy Lichtman < >
as the special guests.

Paulette would like to encourage undecided voters to come hear about Hillary Clinton from the people who know her best.

If you know friends and neighbors who are still undecided, please let them know about this opportunity to hear about Hillary and ask questions. This is not a fundraiser, it is a chance to learn more about Hillary Clinton.

Please recommend this event to your friends and ask them to RSVP to Paulette at (610) 399-0596 or at

Thanks so much
Lani Frank

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Obama Excitement

About 250 people showed up tonight in West Chester at the opening of an Obama campaign office. Former Senator Harris Wofford spoke and gave some historical perspective.

The Obama campaign is bringing new voters, independents, and some Republicans to our party. We should welcome them and keep them active for the long term. During the excitement we should be recruiting block captains and volunteers.

Remember - March 24th is the deadline to postmark a registration. You can download and print the form from our blog.

Monday, March 10, 2008

March 24th Deadline

Anyone who wants to vote for Clinton or Obama in the PA Primary on April 22nd must be a registered Democrat by March 24th.

There are many people, unregistered, or, registered other than Democrat, who would like to do this. Please let them know about this deadline.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Obama - Clinton

Are you involved in one of the presidential campaigns? Post your event info here! If you are a registered Dem in WW4 you can post directly (let me know and I will send you an invitation to be a blog author). Or you can send me the info and I will post it. wre1027 at yahoo dot com.